Rio Digital Lenses

Single Vision Lenses

Single Vision Lenses

We take pride in making customized Single Vision lenses that will not only give you the most optimal clarity of vision but also help you relax your eyes from the strain experienced by digital life.

IMYSA customised lenses are aspheric and atoric personalized Single Vision lenses eliminating a great part of spherical aberrations.

Myophia Control Lenses

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure!

Children that are diagnosed with short-sightedness or myopia display regular worsening and weakening of their vision over the years. However, there are steps you can take to slow down this process by using myopia control or myopia management. At the first site of diagnosis, it is recommended to get them corrective lenses. The Myopia Control Lenses by Rio are premium-quality lenses, especially designed keeping in mind the needs and ease of access of young children. When worn diligently for up to 12-14 hours every day, these lenses are clinically proven to slow down the growth of myopia in kids.

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